My name is David Hockin.
During college I started to keep a record of all my creative work. Like all designers I tried to impose order on chaos. Failing miserably I could at least fake organisation and method. In my case by adopting black hard back A4 Daler sketch books.
The content has changed but looking back today I'm surprised by the how much is common between 1988 and 2008. Each volume a mixture of observation, work diary and personal projects.

This blog is an experiment to see if I can use the resources of the web to maintain a digital equivalent using text, image and video. I will be using an Apple G5 computer, Panasonic NV-GS400 video camera, Samsung i600 smart phone, Blogger, Flickr, MySpace and YouTube accounts.
It may be some time before my next post.

This blog is an experiment to see if I can use the resources of the web to maintain a digital equivalent using text, image and video. I will be using an Apple G5 computer, Panasonic NV-GS400 video camera, Samsung i600 smart phone, Blogger, Flickr, MySpace and YouTube accounts.
It may be some time before my next post.